6 Sigma Electronics Manufacturing Benchmarking Association™

6 Sigma Electronics Manufacturing Benchmarking Association (6SEMBA™) is an association of electronics manufacturing professionals in companies that conduct benchmarking studies to identify the practices that improve the overall operations of the members.

Performance Data

Performance statistics help companies determine where they stand vs. similarly situated organizations. 6 Sigma Electronics Manufacturing Benchmarking Association™ will gather data in the form of group studies on behalf of participants.

Process Data

Process findings help companies determine leading edge practices in electronics manufacturing performance.


6 Sigma Electronics Manufacturing Benchmarking Association™ is an association of electronics manufacturing professionals that compares operating performance and identifies the best business practices in technology manufacturing.


Basic membership in 6 Sigma Electronics Manufacturing Benchmarking Association™ is available to employees of corporations that are involved in electronics manufacturing. Basic membership is currently available at no charge to qualified individuals. Participation in association activities will be charged separately.

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